Monday, July 28, 2008
Monday, July 21, 2008
Friday Kaila had her performance with the Isaiah Players at Temple Isaiah where she is going to summer camp. When we arrived at the Temple we were brought in by security. You know there is always security there like when I pick her up daily as well. Anyhow, I don't understand it. I don't understand how anyone could hate someone so much because of their color, religion, etc. This is something that has bugged me ever since I was little. My grandfather was a big racist and I've always hated it. I'm told I don't understand because I'm a Caucasian Christian Female. So what.....I still don't get it and maybe I'm ignorant to it all but I just wish that I wouldn't have to have security surround a place that was filled with so much joy and peace.
The service was amazing. There was so much gratitude talked about. I really felt good leaving the services. It's odd to think people would want to hurt people just living life to the fullest all because of their religion.
So onto question number two of why....We watched The Kingdom on Saturday night. There is a pretty disturbing scene with one of the characters and I had to leave our room while it was happening. I know things like this are happening in real life and then they have to go and show it in movies. Maybe I'm getting to old (and I'm young) to watch people be tortured on TV again because of their religion or just in general. It seems like more and more I can't handle certain movies, especially ones about wars in other countries.
This fall I get to return to school with less chaos of getting the office in order at my new job (which I still love). I think I want to take classes on history and different cultures. I just don't get a lot of things. I just think people shouldn't judge so much. My husband jokes that I'll die for my cause going into Africa or other countries and trying to get everyone to get along. I just don't understand why it gets so bad.
I don't always feel comfortable sharing how I really feel let alone on a blog but I've been practicing concurring my fears and well, blogging on more delicate subjects is one of them. To me this is something I'd not normally write but I'm glad I did. I probably wouldn't have just done this but I was disturbed twice on the same subject over the weekend and well, wanted to write it out.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Day Three...Gluten Free
Grocery shopping for 100% gluten free is hard. My lovely turkey meatballs at Trader Joes are a thing of the past. They have wheat in them :(
I see the GI doctor on Thursday and hope to get more answers and get a 2nd opinion. The surgery I had in March 2007 could alter my system a bit.
Hopefully this gets easier. Oh yeah drank protein yesterday, took my iron, and today b-12. I'm back on track. I really need to not just take care of myself spiritually but physically as well. My health is not a joke and I can't be too busy to take care of it. Note to self.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
All good things must come to an end...
We arrived in Savannah yesterday afternoon after spending the morning with my father and step mother. Kaila was tired, I was too so after a bit of rest we ate dinner at the Six Pence Pub/Restaurant and went back to our bed and breakfast to book our ghost tour.
We went on a 9 PM ghost tour that was neat to say the least. It was neat to hear about the start of the girl scouts there as well because we all know I'm going to be such a great troop leader next year....or maybe not.....
When we returned to our cottage there were these giant bugs that I found out were actually giant cockroaches and I just couldn't handle that so we moved into the main house to a quaint room that I actually liked much better. The place was clean don't get me wrong but it's humid at night there too and they crawled under this door upstairs....I really liked this bed and breakfast and the main house was super clean!!!
Breakfast today was some lovely blueberry pancakes and then we checked out. We went to the Mercer house and took a tour. Shame on them for not letting me take pictures of anything I wanted to but just know if you want a good informative tour in Savannah this is one of the places to visit.
So, we ended our trip by going to River Street and having a lovely lunch, buying a tacky shirt per a request, and some salt water taffy and headed back to the Savannah Airport.
Now our trip came to a happiness end because our flight was cancelled in Savannah, we got put on an earlier flight to Atlanta, that was delayed and now were in Atlanta where we found out our flight that was supposed to leave at 8:25 is now leaving at 11:00 and so we'll be sitting here for 6.5 hours. Fingers Crossed our flight isn't delayed any further......Pictures of our trip to follow soon.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Monday, July 7, 2008
Simons Island, Rain, Fun....

The beach we went to was amazing. I can't wait to post real pictures and not one off of Yahoo Images. You can walk in the sand and it's so soft and doesn't hurt your feet. You can walk far out into the ocean before you sink and the water is warm. I brought my bathing suit but had no real intention on getting in. I so changed my mind within minutes. I had a blast! Kaila caught fish with a net after making quick friends with some kids on vacation from Colorado. My father and step mother took lounge chairs into the surf and just relaxed as the water hit them. Such a mellow day!
We returned back to my dads and I wanted to take a walk with Kaila to see the cows down the road but again, it was raining. I'm noticing this to be a afternoon trend here. So we went to a indoor miniature golf place. There isn't much to do in Douglas if you're young I've found out. Today if it rains we'll be heading to a place called "The Fun Place" and for $10.00 you can play as many games as you want. I know she'll have fun there too.
We're going to Jacksonville, FL at some point today to see my step siblings and niece. That should be nice. I haven't seen them in two to three years.
I will update more later. This is nice doing a daily vacation blog (:
My goal for next year is to convince Eric we need to do a drive up and down the East Coast to hit all the nice beaches. That would be a wonderful vacation (:
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Learning to Sew & Thunderstorms....

We arrived to my dads at about noon. Yesterday was spent taking numerous naps & enjoying family.
My step mother taught me how to use a sewing machine and no, I didn't hurt myself even. Sure my blanket to the left isn't the prettiest in the world but darn it, Kaila's Polly Pockets will love it! I now want a sewing machine and think of all the wonderful things I can make everyone I know........ Ok so that could take some time but for today I'm glad I can use one. Oh yeah, making my own seam was really cool.
We all went to see Wall*E. Very cute film and even with the power going out from a Thunderstorm (No Tornado's to worry about because I even inquired, again I know I'm a dork) we were able to still finish the movie and we all had fun.
We're going to an Island today or so I'm told. I will be posting a slide show when I return to California because I can't upload to the lap top. I'm really enjoying this trip but It's only 4 AM in California so I'm a bit sleep deprived. I will probably nap in the car today. My father says it's about a 2 hour drive to where we're going.
Until I write again.....
Friday, July 4, 2008
On Our Way

Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Going through the motions.....
Don't get me wrong....I don't want days of pain but I know even learning the hard way sometimes that I have the tools and support to get through anything. Sometimes I just need to be reminded.
Monday was a rough day for me and I began to sit through the pain but didn't complete the emotions and ended up smoking. I will NOT beat myself up for smoking but today after being right sized I have no desire to smoke and know that today will be a much better day.
It's amazing what dinner with a girlfriend, a meeting, and some sleep can do to help you get through the day....