Also, to go more Green in the home we joined The Soda Club to make our own sodas at home. You know all the sodas taste just like the name brand ones as well which is GREAT!
Another trick to saving I learned is that the Library has great movies that can be checked out for 48 hours. Also redbox is great for new releases that I cannot maybe find at the library and the great part is I always seem to get free rental codes.
So I've done these little things to save money and I'm trying to find other ways as well. Another thing I've done is made it that we are eating at home more. We don't need to eat out all the time. That was a big part of what we did on a weekly basis and that is very costly.
Finally, I know that learning to save is a process, I can't be hard on myself and I know that with practice it will (a) get easier and (b) will pay off in the end. There are goals over the next year for our growing family and if we waste money well then it delays those goals and we are ready to meet them and not delay them.
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