I'm super excited that summer is coming. There is so much I want to do this summer and I'm glad I finally have the opportunity to have some fun and work.
I booked K and I are flights today for Georgia. We'll be there the beginning of July to visit my father. We'll also be going to Texas in July with my boss. Again, another trip of fun because I'm there to help my boss with diabetes if her sensor goes off in the middle of the night. I plan on taking a tour at NASA with K while we're there.
I got tired researching B&B's in Savannah and since I'm not sure if I'll spend 1 or 2 nights there I will re-visit it in the beginning of May.
One thing I'm a bit bummed about is I'm missing my YTL session for July :( but I know that one missed is ok since I can follow up with one of the facilitators and seeing I'm keeping up with everything and practicing taking care of me I'm not going to beat myself up over it.
Next month is my favorite retreat, Catalina, and then June starts a summer of work (and fun).
Any ideas with a place to take the hubby for our 6 year anniversary in June? I'm thinking of a B&B in Big Bear but any ideas are welcomed.