I really feel as though the month of December always goes right past me. I'm super busy this month that I don't think I have a day to myself.
This is a quality problem. I'm grateful that I'm able to have such a full life as it wasn't always that way. I have been struggling lately with some blue feelings but I went to my support group last night and it was nice to be back there. I also received a message from my sponsor that was just wonderful! I let her know I saved it for when I have rough days.
I know it makes it harder for me that we do Chrismukkah and have 4 birthdays to celebrate in December. It's my hubbies birthday tomorrow and I can't wait to spend the night with him and K because he's so easy going. We know he's buying a hoytie toytie phone tomorrow and we're going to dinner but we may also go ice skating (: I love it when we are able to have real family time. It will seem like the next few days after that are a blur with all we have to do.
Tonight I am going to Disney Princesses on Ice. I'm a mother & a friend to the women I'm going with. I didn't think 10 years ago that I'd have a daughter and be going to a show with her and four of her friends and their mothers. My daughter truly loves me and lately I've not been home much with all going on and so I can't wait for tonight either, even with all the kiddos.
Well, I'm trying to keep up with some type of blog to put what's going on with me. It feels like a diary because I think maybe 1-2 people read these or maybe just me. It doesn't matter. I'm able to write about how busy I am and a couple months from now I can read that when I'm very bored lol.
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