On a lighter note in the Vegas yesterday we saw LOVE and it was excellent. It was neat how they went through the years of The Beatles. Very worth seeing. I found out we had seats in the VIP area which was nice too. We had the best view in the house. I'm glad we saw it because I've now seen everything I need to in Vegas and I stayed at the Bellagio one last time. Eric says maybe we can come every couple of years but I don't feel comfortable. In my years of recovery I've learned if I don't feel comfortable 100% somewhere to not be there and right now this is Vegas for me. I don't care if it sounds stupid. I'm trying to be proactive.
The moral of my story is I can't say no to gambling, I know this and going forward relaxing will be going to Big Bear or other places with quiet Bed & Breakfast Inns where I can actually relax...My goal was to do a lot of reading, that didn't happen.
The View from our room, it was like being in Paris, ok maybe not
I love the ceiling art at The Bellagio
I clean up nicely...I dressed up for LOVE and it was like 38 degrees when this picture was taken but I wanted a picture of me dressed up lol