Sunday, August 3, 2008


I'm so excited to be feeling so much better after the past couple of weeks to a month. I went to my monthly class today and feel so centered. I so don't want to miss another class. I feel so much better and positive about the month ahead. Yes, I missed the last two months because of my wedding anniversary and traveling but I love how I feel when these classes are complete. Three hours a month makes me feel warm inside even when the work being done is hard at times.

I'm taking my cake for 11 years this Tuesday and feel really good about it. I'm making a Gluten free cake for myself too. I'll be having dinner with a friend I've gotten closer to this past year and hope to get closer to as time goes on.

Oh the gifts in my life. My aunt will be missed, I'm not perfect, and life happens and can be good at times and awful at other times but there's always a lesson and I'm grateful to be present and who I am today to go through it all (:

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