Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Day Two Down, One To Go

I completed day two of school. Algebra was well, FUN. I know this may sound odd and I could change my mind next week but I really enjoyed learning tonight. On the assessment I received 27% correct (8 out of 30) but on my first chapter 1.1 quiz I got a 74% correct (32 out of 43). I think that is WONDERFUL seeing that even though I have a B in Pre Algebra I don't remember anything about it or even taking the class.

I also did a walk through today of where my ballet class is tomorrow and it's so close to the parking. I thought a walk through would be good since I had to return one of my books for the correct one (oops) which also saved me $26.82. Yeah to little mistakes lol.

I'm exhausted and off to bed but my final "Back to School" post will be on tomorrow after class.

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