I joined the 3rd grade classes for a performance at the Walt Disney Concert Hall of Peter & The Wolf. All I can say was "Amazing". Kaila had a blast as did I. It was nice to not ride the bus with the kiddos and drive over with two other mothers and relax and talk. It was worth paying for parking.
The kids had fun and ate lunch at the Plaza across the street from the Concert Hall.
In my quest for more culture for our family I'm thinking of getting season tickets (or partial season) for the family. Maybe that will be our family Chrismukkah gift.
So, if you have a chance to watch a modern version of Peter & The Wolf do so. Tickets aren't too cheap but this weekend they are giving free admission (if there are still tickets available) and the animation/puppetry was so cool. I was very impressed and Kaila told me before hand she loves when the bird is performed and well, the flutes do sound nice.
I've included a pic of us dressed nicely for the show as per the request of her teacher and it was nice to see a bunch of 3rd graders dressed nice for the show.