Thursday, March 31, 2011


I'm attempting AGAIN to stay on top of my blog. I don't know what direction I want to take it in but we will see where it goes. Who knows this could end up being a blog about a mom getting used to being a SAHM and juggling all that it is.

Let me tell you...working sometimes I feel is easier. I really have to manage my time more and though I adore my kids, with a ten year age gap it's hard to just breathe sometimes.

Today's entry is about L and his blackberry, my old blakberry. I've found that little guys love recycled objects more than any toy bought and paper can be hours of fun. Stay tuned for tomorrows entry....I hope.

L, His couch (so his sister says but she's been getting mighty comfy on it), and his new friend....his blackberry.

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