Saturday, April 30, 2011

Day 13 ughh was stuck...

In drafts but here it is. Lights, a bunch of lights at The Hollywood Music Box.

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Friday, April 29, 2011

Day 12 Loving some Johnny

I had my big moment with Johnny Castle LOL. Had to try this. Pic looks odd but oh well, I had my moment for pretend and that's what mattered.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Day 11 The Day L Swallowed a Penny

Feast your eyes on the amazing penny that L swallowed and threw up this afternoon. He enjoyed his bubble bath after and the penny didn't kill the boy so all is good in the world.

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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Day 10 Fun With Sissy

L adores his sister and has so much fun with her. They make me smile.

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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Day 9


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Monday, April 25, 2011

Day 8 Water for What?

Water for Elephants circa 1980 Fisher Price Style. Was Eric's, now K's, and finally L's. He loves the Monkey but it didn't make for my image here LOL.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Day 7 Happy Easter

With a medium basket for K and a small basket for L who doesn't know it's Easter and really other than the Pirate blocks the candy is for daddy and moi I think this will be the start of a good Easter.

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Saturday, April 23, 2011

Day 6 Bunny Times

L's first time with the Easter Bunny was a warning of Future Christmas & Easter mishaps. L decided he knew the Bunny was fake and started lifting the head piece off. Too funny. Though the bunny wasn't upset this photo gives that feel lol.

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Friday, April 22, 2011

Day 5 Happy Earth Day!

Bright & Pretty Flowers found on one of my many walks. There really is beauty all around us!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Day 4 Still on Track

Sharing is caring.

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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Day 3 Down

Dutch Baby Birthday cake made for my marmee. Notice the hearts. I so rocked this.

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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Day 2 - 363 Days to go....

This picture says it all. Liam is not a fan of grass. This is him trying to get away from the grass but he doesn't want to touch it. Poor little guy. I guess we learned that a blanket is a must for Liam to enjoy being on Great Grandma's front lawn.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Moi & My Parents...

Just a couple pics I came across that I really like of moi and my parents.

Young moi & my mommy. Back when I was still a little girl just enjoying life on a daily basis. OK, so I don't remember that far back but you get my point. I love this picture of my mom!

Moi & my daddy in Montana for my 18th birthday. Yes, the snow was that amazing and yes I think it was a great trip. Just moi, my dad, and my grandfather. I remember getting a wind burn that year from enjoying the sled dealio behind my dad in the picture and my grandfather making me get a decent outfit from the store because my jeans had holes in them.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Almost 10 Months....Really?????

From this little guy....

To....This almost 10 month old
Time sure does fly...

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Francines Garden

My aunt Francine loved her garden in the back of our home on Maple. She was great with all the flowers and vegetables she would plant. As a kid I remember these green large bugs that would go after her tomatoes and she'd squish them with her fingers. She had no fear of them.

I always think of her when I pass pretty roses or other gardens with beautiful flowers. I think of how at peace she was in her garden. That is until the Parkinson's got so bad she couldn't garden any longer.

Today I walked past a rose bush and thought of her. She passed away a couple of years ago from complications associated with the Parkinson's. I'm sorry that L never met her but K will always have good memories of her great aunt and that makes me very happy. I can't wait for K and I to tell L stories as we start a garden of our own one day.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Found a.....

Painful lump in my leg today while taking my shower. Now I know I could have done something with all my running but it doesn't feel right and only hurts when I touch it. I've been meaning to get a full physical done and I think it's time. I didn't notice it until I touched it and even now if I don't touch my leg it feels ok.

I have two kids and a husband who need and from what I've heard want me around.

I've been exercising and trying to eat healthier in trying to lose the L weight since he's coming up on 10 months.

So though this isn't the happiest blog entry it's a honest one that I am in some fear and E felt the lump and agrees I get it checked out so I'm being proactive.

I'm glad I'm starting to do a daily blog entry. Some will be happy, sad, funny, etc. and will be an adventure in what this blog will become.

Friday, April 1, 2011


Lately I've been told my more and more "How Lucky I Am" to be a Stay At Home mom. Where do I begin?

For starters I worked and over worked for 10+ years while my husband was in school. I worked tons of overtime and when my dear K was conceived not only was I told I couldn't have kids but I was on the pill for regular cycles. So our little miracle was born and barely saw her mother who went back to work before she was a month old. Lots of regret there, BUT what do you do when you have to do it.

Flash forward 2009 and I'm working for people who we don't need to go into details about and I'm just done. So I quit, traumatized and thinking...."I can't do this anymore. I can't work and do what makes me unhappy just for good money"

I'm then pregnant again with our second and yes almost 10 years later. That brings us to now. Yes, I'm a Stay at Home Mom and yes I adore my kids but let me tell you there are some plus sides other than money to working. For starters you do get breaks. You do get to take a restful lunch (some days, let's be honest) and you have adult interaction on a daily basis. Showers are also a must because you can't go to work smelling.

I also know how to manage my time in the corporate world. I'm really excellent at it to be honest but this whole managing my time with a 9 month old and 10 year old is very hard. I feel like a failure most days and I don't get to take care of myself and a shower is a bit of heaven for me BUT now since said 9 month old learned how to escape his crib that has become a "Make sure daddy or sissy are home" moment for me.

Even now as I try and type my blog entry that I somehow think will be done on a daily basis said 9 month old wants to eat cords because as we all know cords are delicious.

So, to those who tell me how great it is to be a SAHM just know that I worked hard to get here. I still make sacrifices and I don't sit on my ass all day doing nothing. I'm grateful to be at home with my kids but I've given up a lot I'm used to in order to do this. Like anything in life it's a work in progress and there are days I'd love to trade with you and be in a office hiding from my two kids.